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As important as it is to conduct cutting-edge research at the Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation (BBFSF), it doesn’t mean anything if it is not shared with others! Our third mission statement is “enhancing conservation and awareness through disseminating our results to both the public (tours of our facility, talks, tv documentaries, social media, posters and blogs) and scientists (peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations and posters, fishery reports and books).” This is where you come in!


In addition to engaging with the local community and leading university courses, we like to reach as wide of an audience as we can. Requesting a speaker from the BBFSF gives you the opportunity to virtually “bring” one of our crew members into your classroom, club, or conference! Talks range from a variety of topics, from the basic biology of sharks and rays to discussing the history of our 32 years of research to much more. The talk is designed and tailor made for you and your audience, depending on your specifications in the application. Perhaps a presentation style is not exactly what you are looking for. This is no problem as our crew members are happy to engage in a variety of formats that are including but not limited to podcasts, panels, and Q&A sessions. 


No matter what you are looking for, we are happy to engage with you! There is more information in the application below regarding crew members to request and their availability. Feel free to fill out the form below if you are interested. If you have any questions, please email outreach@biminisharklab to have them answered. We look forward to hearing from you!

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